
My Other

Pink Pig

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Hey, Buddy. Have You Got the Time?
Thursday 9 May, 2024

Retail employment. A great place to be when biding your time ahead of starting university as a mature student! Especially when a manager is a, er, posterior...

Onto the shop floor at 08:50. Manager tells me I am late. I check time. It is 08:50 by my watch and the clock on the shop floor. I say so. He tells me that we go by HIS watch and I am 10 minutes late (his watch is over 10 minutes ahead)!

"Sorry, sir." I'm already thinking ahead to the end of my shift.

Long day. I'm due to finish at 8pm. At 7:50, I am on the only live till and I take it out of service and start cashing up (there was no customer at the time). Manager sees me and queries why.

"Time to close the store, shut tills and cash up. Check your watch."

He almost explodes before he realises that I have zero interest or need to maintain employment with his store as I am due to start university shortly.

I turned up the next day, sought him out before starting work and did a time-check to see what times I was going to adhere to that day. Needless to say, he used the store time rather than his wrist. He knew...

The rest of 2024, below...

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Deaf on Purpose?
Tuesday 26 March, 2024

I have a beagle. There, I’ve said it. The fact is out there.

Said beagle is pushing on in years. He is no longer the deep tricolour hues to be seen in photographs of classic beagles. To say his coat is rather faded is like claiming Father Christmas’ beard is beginning to lose a little colour.

With age has come real deafness. Real? Well, not total, but enough to have me relying upon hand signals. In the past he would go ‘deaf’ whenever his nose came within a foot of anything interesting in terms of scent. Nowadays, his deafness occurs regardless of smells.

I must look pretty silly late at night in my back garden as I wave my arms about to catch his attention so as to be able to issue a Come inside command with my hands. Still, better than shouting at the top of my voice when most of my neighbours are in bed.

But not as satisfying…

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How Many Times?
Thursday 4 April, 2024

Mature student. University while paying a mortgage. It meant study was something serious because I didn’t want to be wasting the effort.

Next: a local housing association printed up all their literature with the two middle digits of their phone number reversed. Or, to put it another way: they used MY home number.

Studying at home – day after day – calls for broken door locks, windows, leaking pipes... One woman tried to tell me she had the correct number and that I really was the housing association – and that was after I had told her about the phone number mix up. Basically, she called me a liar.

I apologised (why? Dunno) and hung up. A few minutes later as I was working my way through a study text, another phone call. That Woman. Again, she told me she had checked the number and I was wrong – I am that housing association. Clarification: whoever mixed the middle two digits did so on everything. Despite my tale, she insisted I was wrong and that I will put her through to Mr/Mrs/Ms Whoever.

Words to the effect of sorry, no can do, and I hung up.

Yes – she called back. This time she was really nasty and threatened me and my employment (what employment? I was a student). She was rather fruity in her language, so I decided to stop her once and for all. I yelled at her and turned the air bluer that she had managed. I told her in no uncertain terms that if she called me again, I would track her down and make her sorry she had ever called me. My phone went down.

A few minutes later, another call. Another woman, but this time some 'high-up' from that housing association. She berated me and told me to be more polite to those who called me in error and supply the housing association's correct number (like the first time when that stupid woman had called!)

As you, dear reader, might imagine, I was just as impolite and direct as I had been with the argumentative woman and added, rather forcefully, that if they print MY phone number in error, they are going to reap the rewards of their incompetence. And that is a promise.

Oddly enough, they reprinted everything as within a week the calls petered out...

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Up or Down?
Monday 8 April, 2024

Mmm, website down “www.zakspade.com refused to connect”. However, if I access it away from home, all is good. Hence, I reckon y’all are reading these words

Hosting support told me the IP on my server is blocked. What? The IP of the server? Can’t be, surely? I’d not be able to access it via connections other than home otherwise. So, my home IP is blocked? Except, I can FTP files up and down to the server. From home. Again, hence you are reading these words.


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The Very Definition of Ignorance?
Thursday 18 April, 2024

The man drives along the hard shoulder of a motorway at speeds of up to 100 mph. He was clocked and filmed by an unmarked police vehicle. He momentarily loses control and smashes into the central reservation. As a result, he loses a tyre. He attempts to drive on but is forced to abandon the vehicle.

Did I mention the child?

When approached, he throws up and appears to be in a “bad way.” He is suffering from the shock of the crash and having drunk too much alcohol. He is well over the proscribed drink driving limit for driving on UK roads.

There was concern over his condition. There was concern over the welfare of the child.

Upon being led away in handcuffs, he demanded to know why he was being arrested.

If the moron is a parent of the child, one might hope that the law denies them parental access on the grounds that they obviously consider drinking to be more important than offspring.

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